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1 June, 2008
Euromoney GCC asset management guide: Gulf economics and the asset management industry
1 June, 2008

New product

Quattro Asset Management Vault 08

What is it?

It’s a capital protected product linked to global investment strategies.

What strategies?

Five UBS approaches, not normally open to retail investors. They include a global buy-write strategy, where you use call options to improve your return; a long-short approach, which allows you to make money in falling markets; and a currencies strategy.

Are they any good?

These strategies have never been computed in Aussie dollars in the past, so you can’t judge exactly, but according to UBS it’s done 9.69% a year over three years. This product aims to leverage exposure up to twice the investment amount.

Why would I need capital protection then?

In an uncertain market some people like the security of capital protection – though others argue that a low in markets is precisely the wrong time to pay up for protection. Quattro allows you to borrow 100% of the investment up front, which has a tax advantage. It charges 10.6% interest on the loan, from UBS, for the five-year life of the product.

What are the costs?

0.76% management fee, a 0.51% trail fee, a 0.26% expense recoveries fee and a 0.3% put option fee. Also a one-off 0.41% establishment fee. Quattro reckons that “typically capital protected investments require an overall return of 11% per annum for investors to receive a return. Vault 08 has reduced this breakeven return point by almost 50%.”

How much and when?

Offer open until June 23; minimum investment $10,000.

Chris Wright
Chris Wright
Chris is a journalist specialising in business and financial journalism across Asia, Australia and the Middle East. He is Asia editor for Euromoney magazine and has written for publications including the Financial Times, Institutional Investor, Forbes, Asiamoney, the Australian Financial Review, Discovery Channel Magazine, Qantas: The Australian Way and BRW. He is the author of No More Worlds to Conquer, published by HarperCollins.

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